Showing posts with label Meth Methamphetamine Addiction treatment New Zealand N.Z.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meth Methamphetamine Addiction treatment New Zealand N.Z.. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

MethQuit Salvex : Buy New Zealand Salvia divinorum dried herbal Extract, Tincture, VG juice, Oil.

Facebook @ New Zealand Salvia Divinorum NorthlandSalvia


**Increase in N.Z Post Delivery Rates** July 2023

Due to inflationary pressures, new Rates are as follows: 

Economy Rate, tracked @ $8.

**Due to some unacceptable increases in target delivey time frames, arising from increased Christmas mail volumes @ N.Z Post, we are using N.Z Courier Delivery only, until further notice.**   

Courier Rate, tracked @ $10.  (*Fastest Delivery)

Rural Delivery Rate @ plus+ $5.50

Due to N.Z Post price increases, you might like to consider *Parcel Collect to avoid the extra Rural Delivery Costs for some Customers.

Due to ongoing cost increases,  ALL Salvia Specials, *Excluding our 5x Extract Deals & 5x Combo Specialsare Suspended until further Notice.

R.18 N.Z Customers Only.  Proof of Age Required.


*Payment via Online banking. N.Z Post track & trace.

Target delivery 3 Working days.  **NO PICKUPS**

We DO NOT sell live Salvia plants, seed or cuttings.
We DO NOT wholesale our herbs.  *Retail Sales only.
Wholesale,Trade quantity, bulk purchase, NOT supplied.

*F.A.Q - Re prices/products/purchase - HERE

*Ordering Process - Summary of  HERE

Anecdotal evidence suggests that Salvia divinorum herb has many potential therapeutic uses.  These include: an anti addiction treatment, anti depressant, anti anxiety agent, mood stabilizer, treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & more!

" S. divinorum has advanced from being a tool for divination rituals to being a source of therapeutic potential for the treatment of ....... stimulant dependence, and mood disturbances. "
Source:  US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

Therapeutic Potential of Salvia divinorum.

Medication to treat Psychostimulant abuse:  

Animal research has revealed that SA (Salvinorin A) reduces dopamine levels in parts of the basal ganglia, disrupting many of the effects of cocaine and the addiction cycle. 

In the experiments with rats, SA does not seem to suppress their movement, the action of pushing the lever to drink, or their motivation before stimuli. 

In contrast, SA appears to specifically suppress cocaine-related behaviors and motivations (Dos Santos, Crippa, Machado-de-Sousa, & Hallak, 2015). 

Western medicine has developed—with questionable success—pharmacological treatments for the abuse of opiates, alcohol, and tobacco, but there is currently no treatment for the abuse of psychostimulants, so research with SA hold the promise to help millions of addicts. 

However, it is very important to remember that the traditional use of S. divinorum by the Mazatec to successfully treat a complex and multifaceted problem like addiction is part of a ritual and a much larger, organic, and inclusive worldview than our compartmentalized interventions and that the properties of this herb cannot be reduced to the pharmacological mechanism of just one isolated component in the form of a pill.  
Source: The Use of Salvia divinorum from a Mazatec Perspective.  Ana Elda Maqueda

*See: Traditional Medicine from Southern Mexico Offers Help with Addiction

" Oaxacan villagers told us of Salvia helping to cure people of addictions to alcohol, inhalants, and stimulants such as cocaine. 

They believe that the feminine entity that inhabits the plant heals the body, teaches the patient what causes and sustains the addiction, and guides the patient on the road to recovery and a balanced life."

LINK@:   Radio N.Z - MP3 Interview

LINK@  Salvia divinorum - From Party Drug to Anti-Addiction Treatment:

MethQuit Salvex, 10x/20x/30x Salvia dried Herbal Extract 

#This product may also assist withdrawal from Synthetic Cannabis/Cannabis, & drug addiction.

New Zealand has a massive underground meth problem that has gained a nefarious foothold at all levels of society.  It is indiscriminate of Class, Income, Ethnicity, & is regarded as the most addictive, destructive drug known to mankind.

Meth Users are the 'Dreamboat Consumer' offering a target rich, captive market to Drug Dealers, with fantastic profit margins & exponential demand.  Meth, or 'P' is the drug Dealers  road to riches, leaving a trail of destruction in its path.

In response, NorthlandSalvia has formulated a potent 10x/15x/20x/30x Salvia extract, that may assist meth Users thr
ough the difficult process of methamphetamine withdrawal.

Our Salvia extract may provide the meth User with a pathway out of 'P Pipe Ritual' & the debilitating neurotoxins associated with the illicit trade in Methamphetamine.

MethQuit Salvex, herbal extract, is a synergistic, 10x/15x/20x/30x Salvia
 extract, that exerts an anti addiction & sedative effect, through its activity at the Kappa Opioid Receptors of the brain.
*Methquit dried herbal Extract - Strength.  

5x = extracted from 5 g of Salvia herbs.

10x = extracted from 10 g of Salvia herbs.

15x = extracted from 15 g of Salvia herbs.

20x = extracted from 20 g of Salvia herbs.

30x = extracted from 30 g of Salvia herbs.

*Methquit dried herbal Extract Prices:  (per g, gross)  

5x:  1 gram @ $ per g, (gross) *plus p & p.
10x:  1 gram  @ $ per g, (gross) *plus p & p.
15x:  1 gram  @ $ per g, (gross) *plus p & p. 
20x:  1 gram @ $ per g, (gross) *plus p & p.
30x:  1 gram @ $ per g, (gross) *plus p & p.


*Methquit Salvex Liquid Extract: 30x Tincture, Oil, VG Juice. 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml.


MethQuit Salvex Liquid Extract 

5 ml, 30x  Sampler: tincture, Oil, VG- Juice @ $30. * plus p & p.

20 ml, 30x tincture, Oil,  VG - Juice  @ $119. * plus p & p.

*25 ml ( Special ) = Sold Out.
100 ml, 30x tincture, Oil,  VG - Juice @ $. * plus p & p.
FREE POST  *Economy Rate Only.
Bulk Buy & Save on our 500 ml & 1 Litre Liquid Extracts.  *Prices on Enquiry.   Ts & Cs apply.

**Subject to Seasonal Availability**

MethQuit Salvex dried herbal Extract Deals *Buy 5 g, get 0.5 g FREE!

10x Salvia Extract: 

1.0 grams @ $ 
per g, (gross) *plus p & p.

*Buy 5 g, get 0.5 g FREE!

MethQuit Salvex - 15x Salvia Extract: 

1.0 grams @ $ 
per g, (gross) *plus p & p.

*Buy 5 g, get 0.5 g FREE!

MethQuit Salvex - 20x Salvia Extract: 

1.0 grams @ $ per g, (gross) *plus p & p.

*Buy 5 g, get 0.5 g FREE! 

MethQuit Salvex - 30x Salvia Extract: 

1.0 grams @ $ per g, (gross) *plus p & p.
*Buy 5 g, get 0.5  g FREE!


Blogger's Comment: 

Salvia divinorum herb is currently being tested at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand,  for its potential to wean addicts off meth & cocaine.  Even if Salvia successfully goes to the clinical trial phase, it will likely be many years before this product will go to market.  

If the uptake of Cannabis tincture Sativex to treat Multiple Sclerosis  is used as a Consumer model, Pharmac will not subsidize this treatment and uptake by sufferers will be minimal due to the financial cost borne by the user.

Salvia divinorum, Research Potential:
Excerpt from New Zealand H.R.C News Online p.d.f Issue No. 74 March 2012:

'A plant compound, the Mexican herb Salvia divinorum, is being tested as a possible medicinal treatment to help  reduce the impact and side effects of drug addiction, specifically psychostimulants such as cocaine & methamphetamine.  

This project is being led by Dr Bronwyn Kivell from the School of Biological Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington. Dr Kivell was a 2010 HRC Emerging Research First Grant recipient for this study, Investigating Novel Compounds to Prevent Addiction, and has formed a collaboration with a medicinal chemist at the University of Kansas in the United States, and Professor Susan Schenk at Victoria University of Wellington.

Dr Kivell’s research team is screening a number of anti-addiction compounds that have the potential to form the basis of medications that help reduce cravings and prevent relapses. They are looking at ways of targeting a protein in the brain, called the kappa opioid receptor, which can alter a person’s perception of mood, reward and pain.

While there are drugs that can activate these receptors, they typically have extreme side effects such as nausea, depression and sedation, so this study is investigating a new selective kappa opioid receptor activator, Salvinorin-A, isolated from the plant Salvia divinorum.

The herb Salvia, has been chewed by Mexican Indians for centuries.

While Salvinorin-A was formally recognised in 2002 as being a kappa opioid activator, it was Dr Kivell and her team that were first to show that it has an anti-addiction effect, and more recently, their testing is showing that some of these compounds have much milder side effects.'  

*See Link:  New anti addiction compound holds promise.

*See: Salvia divinorum: Clinical & Research Potential (RE Depression)

"... initial results are promising, with the majority of patients reporting lasting benefits from their use of this herb. In addition to significantly reduced scores on quantitative measures of depression, some of the reported benefits of the herb include mood enhancement and increased feelings of relaxation and self-awareness." 

MethQuit Salvex: Liquid Extract & dried herbal Extract.

100% Natural, 100% Homegrown.


Excerpt from ResearchGate Paper:

" The problematic use of psychostimulants can cause a series of health, economic, and social costs to individuals and society. 

Although pharmacological treatments for opiate/opioid and nicotine abuse or dependence are available (methadone or buprenorphine, and nicotine patch etc., respectively) and several drugs for cannabis-related disorders are currently being investigated, there is no approved medication for the treatment of stimulant disorders.

The reviewed studies indicate that κ agonists decrease dopamine neurotransmission, possibly by decreasing dopamine release and increasing its uptake. Thus, these compounds could be beneficial for patients suffering stimulant-related disorders. 

Salvinorin A and its analogues show anti-addictive effects in several animal studies using psychostimulants as the drug under investigation. 

Further studies are warranted on the anti-addictive potentials of salvinorin A and its analogues. "

LINK:  Salvinorin A & related compunds as therapeutic drugs for psycho stimulant related disorders.

LINK:  Neuropharmacology of the Naturally Occurring κ-Opioid Salvinorin A

" Salvinorin A has therapeutic potential as a treatment for pain, mood and personality disorders, substance abuse, and gastrointestinal disturbances, and suggests that nonalkaloids are potential scaffolds for drug development for aminergic G-protein coupled receptors. " 


100% Natural, 100% Homegrown.

Salvia divinorum - traditional use as a herbal remedy:

" Salvia divinorum is a medicinal plant endemic to the Sierra Madre Oriental of Oaxaca, Mexico.

The Mazatec people have been using the leaves for centuries in ceremonies for its properties and as a treatment for arthritis and inflammation, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, and addictions, among other uses.

The Mazatec microdose with small leaves when feeling low energy levels or to enhance mood.

It is very important to remember that the traditional use of S. divinorum by the Mazatec to successfully treat a complex and multifaceted problem like addiction is part of a ritual and a much larger, organic, and inclusive worldview than our compartmentalized interventions and that the properties of this herb cannot be reduced to the pharmacological mechanism of just one isolated component in the form of a pill.

The active principle of Salvia divinorum, the terpene salvinorin A, is a uniquely potent and highly selective kappa-opioid receptor agonist and, as such, has enormous potential for the development of valuable medications.

Among them, the most promising include:

safe and nonaddictive analgesics, neuroprotectors, short-acting anesthetics that do not depress respiration, antidepressants, anti-inflammatories, medications for the treatment of addiction to stimulants and alcohol, and drugs to treat disorders characterized by alterations in perception. "

Source: Plant Medicines, Healing and Science, Cultural Perspectives.
Editors. Beatriz Caiuby Labate & Clancy Cavnar. 

Natures Own Antidote To Cocaine Addiction:

Dynorphin:  the key in the addiction chain?

Brain opiate may explain why some people are less susceptible to addiction:

Some people's brains may harbor their own built-in defense system against the addictive powers of cocaine. According to new research at The Rockefeller University, a naturally occurring brain opiate called dynorphin may, in certain individuals, serve as an antidote to counter the pleasurable, yet dangerous, effects of cocaine.

In the latest Neuropsychiatric Genetics section of the American Journal of Medical Genetics, Mary Jeanne Kreek, M.D., and Rockefeller University colleagues report that people carrying a "high-output" version of the dynorphin gene - one that is thought to result in higher levels of this protein in the brain - may be better protected against cocaine dependence or abuse than those carrying a "low-output" form.

"These results are preliminary, but do suggest that genetic differences in the gene that codes for dynorphin are correlated with individual variations of vulnerability to cocaine abuse," says Kreek, head of the Laboratory of Biology of Addictive Diseases at Rockefeller and senior physician at the Rockefeller Hospital.

"This kind of knowledge is important for the development of both preventative and drug-based treatment strategies for people suffering from cocaine addiction," she adds. Kreek, together with Rockefeller Professor Emeritus Vincent Dole and his late wife and colleague Marie Nyswander, pioneered methadone maintenance programs for the treatment of heroin addicts in the 1960s.

The new genetic association study compared DNA samples from 174 participants, including 83 people who had been previously diagnosed with cocaine dependence or abuse, and 91 "control" individuals with no prior history of any substance abuse. The results suggest that individuals who harbor the high-output form of the dynorphin gene have a significantly lower risk of becoming dependent upon or abusing cocaine than people with the low-output version. The p-value - a measure of statistical significance - for this study was .042 (values of .05 and lower are considered to be significant).

"We were very lucky to have well-characterized subjects for this study," says Andrew Chen, M.D., Ph.D., first author of the study and a research associate at Rockefeller. "The subjects we looked at had been previously diagnosed using very stringent criteria - a fact that supports our findings."

Moreover, previous studies by Kreek and others suggest how this high-output version of the dynorphin gene might protect a person against addiction. Typically, snorting or injecting cocaine triggers a flood of dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain, and this, in turn, leads to its characteristic euphoric "high." But, according to the scientists, the brain compensates for this overabundance of dopamine by producing more of the opiate dynorphin, which then reduces levels of dopamine - in essence acting like an antitoxin to neutralize the destructive effects of cocaine. Consequently, higher levels of dynorphin in the brain might translate to increased protection against cocaine.

Because the scientists have demonstrated a possible neurobiological function for this particular genetic variant, it is referred to as a "functional variation."

"Knowing how this genetic variation could potentially modulate the effects of cocaine lends weight to our results," says Chen. "But, on the other hand, our sample size was relatively small, and further studies with more patients are needed to confirm these results."

Dynorphin is a member of the body's natural, or endogenous, opioid system. These molecules, by acting on their corresponding opioid receptors, are responsible for numbing pain, creating feelings of euphoria and increasing energy. They also play a role in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal and immune systems, as well as modulate how the body deals with stress.

Addictive opiates, which include heroin, morphine and other analgesics such as codeine, are structurally similar to the opioids produced naturally in the body and thus bind to and stimulate the same receptors, subsequently triggering these drugs' well-known effects. 

Cocaine, on the other hand, acts primarily on the brain's "reward" circuits; it increases levels of dopamine and other neurotransmitters at specific areas of the brain. Yet, research in the last few years has shown that cocaine, like heroin, also acts on the endogenous opioid system - including dynorphin. Studies in rats by Kreek and others have shown that cocaine, while directly inducing a surge in dopamine in the brain, causes a rise in dynorphin levels. Furthermore, Kreek and her colleagues have demonstrated directly in rats and indirectly in humans that administration of dynorphin results in a decrease in the amount of dopamine in the brain.

Together, these studies imply that dynorphin rises after cocaine administration as a means to counteract the effects of cocaine. Under natural circumstances, however, this rise in dynorphin may not be enough to safeguard a person against addiction.

These findings led Kreek and other to speculate that subtle variations, also called polymorphisms, in the gene that instructs brain cells to manufacture dynorphin may explain why some individuals tend to be more resistant to cocaine addiction after experimenting with the drug. Recently, Alexander Zimprich and colleagues at the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany have discovered such a variation within this gene.

Zimprich found that a specific piece of the DNA making up this dynorphin gene is present in one, two, three or four copies in different individuals. Furthermore, because this variable region is located in the "promoter" region of the gene (the DNA in front of a gene's coding sequence that controls how much of the protein is made), having more copies of it may lead to higher levels of dynorphin in the brain. Specifically, the researchers demonstrated in cells that genes containing three or four copies of this DNA "repeat" produce more dynorphin than those with one or two.

Kreek's lab has now taken this work one step further by showing a correlation in humans between having three and four copies of the repeat and not being addicted to cocaine. Yet Chen cautions that more studies are imperative in order to confirm their results. In addition to having a small overall sample size, he says that the study did not equally represent each of the major ethnic groups. For example, the Hispanic group contained only 22 individuals.

Ideally, genetic risks should be calculated for each ethnic group separately, in addition to as a whole, to avoid the problems of ethnic or cultural stratification - a phenomenon that occurs when a polymorphism is more frequent in one ethnic population but mistakenly taken to be correlated only with a trait or disease common to that group.

Chen explains, "For example, if you were to look for an association between the trait of using chopsticks and a putative polymorphism without considering that Asian people potentially could harbor this polymorphism in higher frequencies, you might end up concluding that this particular genetic variation causes people in general to use chopsticks.

“Because of this and other limitations of smaller sample sizes, we are planning further studies with more patients."

Cocaine addiction is a serious public health problem around the world and, in particular, the United States. According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, about 1.8 million Americans were chronic cocaine abusers in 1998. 

Like all addictions, cocaine addiction is a complex disease influenced by many genes, in addition to other behavioral, psychological and environmental factors. However, unlike heroin and other addictive diseases, there are no current pharmaceutical-based treatment programs for cocaine addiction.

Dynorphin and Depression
Public release date: 15-Apr-2002
Rockefeller University

MethQuit Salvex:  dried herbal Extract, Liquid Extract, Tincture, Oil. VG Juice. 

100% Natural, 100% Homegrown in N.Z


MethQuit Salvex Liquid extract- 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, 30x Herbal Tincture, VG Juice, & Oil:

*Tincture & Oil dosing via sublingual absorption is slow onset, slow release, & is ideal for micro dosing on an as needed basis.

VG & Olive Oil 30x Liquid Extracts.

Methquit Salvex Liquid Extract, is a 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, 30x tincture, Oil, of Salvia, that may assist individuals experiencing withdrawal symptoms from Methamphetamine & other illicit recreational drug use.

Herbs from the mint family of flowering Plants have a long history of use as herbs in traditional medicine, recommended for combating stress & promoting relaxation.

Salvia divinorum is a Kappa Opioid Receptor Agonist - K.O.R.A.

MethQuit Salvex, 30x liquid extract,  exerts an anti addiction & sedative effect, through its activity at the Kappa Opioid Receptors of the brain.

Reviewed studies indicate that κ agonists decrease dopamine neurotransmission, possibly by decreasing dopamine release and increasing its uptake. Thus, these compounds could be beneficial for patients suffering stimulant-related disorders. 

Anecdotally, Salvinorin A, through its activity at the kappa opioid receptors of the brain, effects dynorphin production, combating addiction by reducing cravings & preventing relapse.

Dynorphin is the brains natural anti addiction mechanism.

The effectiveness  of MethQuit Salvex doses is negated by our stomach acids/digestive system, so it is necessary to absorb the tincture sublingually, via the oral mucosa.

To use, shake well & administer 2 - 3 'shots' of tincture into your mouth, under the tongue, retaining it a minimum of 20+ to 30 minutes, under the tongue, as it is absorbed into the body via the oral mucosa.  

The longer you retain the tincture in your mouth, the greater the sublingual absorption.  Repeat as required. 

A liquid extract of MethQuit Salvex is slow onset, long duration, making it ideal for therapeutic use. 

*Tincture dosing, Oil dosing, via sublingual absorption is slow onset, slow release, & is ideal for micro dosing on an as needed basis.

We DO NOT use any Synthetic chemicals,  or any hidden additives.  100% Natural.  100% Homegrown. 

MethQuit Salvex - 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml 30x Tincture, Oil,VG-Juice.

$30. per 5 ml 30x *plus p & p.
$119. per 20 ml 30x *plus p & p.
$499. per 100 ml 30x *plus p & p.  *FREE POST  Economy Rate Only.

MethQuit Salvex Herbal Remedy. R.18.  N.Z Customers Only.  Payment via Internet Banking. N.Z Post Track & Trace.  Target Delivery 3 working Days.

Methquit Salvex - 30x Liquid Extract: 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, Herbal Tincture, Oil, VG Juice.

100% Natural, 100% Homegrown. 

Buy Now! Salvia divinorum Herbal Remedy. R.18. 

N.Z Customers Only. *Payment via Online Banking.  

N.Z Post Track & Trace.  Target Delivery 3 working Days. 


CB.2 - K.O.R 30x Double Action Oil C.B.D Oil CBD Tincture EJuice VG Juice & Balm

                  Just Salvia, Cannabinoids & Terpenes,

                                      Without the B.S!

A World First!  CB.2 - K.O.R 30x Double Action Oil containing Organically grown, Whole Plant Extracts of Salvia divinorum, Cannabinoids & Terpenes in a synergistic blend, offering therapeutic potential for superior pain relief, anti addiction treatment & more! 

CB.2 - K.O.R Double Action Oil targets the CB.2 Cannabinoid Receptors & K.O.R Kappa Opioid Receptors.  

CB.2 - K.O.R Double Action Oil  available as an Olive Oil OR VG - Vegetable Glycerine based tincture.  

* VG Juice & Olive Oil based Cannabinoid Oils.

CB.2 - K.O.R Double Action Oil targets the CB.2 Cannabinoid Receptors & K.O.R Kappa Opioid Receptors.

Although, their role in the treatment of alcohol dependence is still under investigation and a development of a drug that possesses the same activity both in animals and human is greatly needed, novel pharmacological strategies involving the use of CB2 receptor agonists (particularly highly selective ones) may be much more useful than CB1 ligands due to the lack of psychotropic effects mediated by cannabinoid 1 receptors.  Kleczkowska et al, 2015.

Modulation of cocaine reward

Researchers investigated the effects of CB2 agonists on cocaine self-administration in mice. Systemic administration of CB2 agonists reduced the number of self-infusions of cocaine in mice, as well as reducing locomotor activity and the break point (maximum amount of level presses to obtain cocaine). Local injection of CB2 agonists into the nucleus accumbens was found to produce the same effects as systemic administration. Systemic administration of CB2 agonists also reduced basal and cocaine-induced elevations of extracellular dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. Xeng Xiong Xi et al, 2011.

CB.2 - K.O.R Double Action Oil  available as an Olive Oil OR VG - Vegetable Glycerine based tincture.  VG Juice & Olive Oils.

CB.2 - K.O.R Double Action Oil  20 ml dropper @ $119. *plus p & p.   *Special - get an extra 5 ml FREE!

*25 ml Special = Sold Out.

Seasonal Special CB.2 - K.O.R Double Action Oil  100 ml bottle @ $499. *FREE POSTAGE! Save $  *Economy Rate. 


Marali - 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, 30x Liquid Extract 'Aussie Outback' Herbal Remedy.  Oil, Tincture, VG-Juice.

Marali is an Indigenous Australian Aboriginal term for Spiritual Healing & Bush Medicines.

When Users are coming down from Meth, or other addictive substances, anxiety, lack of sleep, irritability, insomnia, mood swings & low mood are often exhibited.

Marali Liquid Extract is a potent, 30x strength, 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, proprietary blend of Australian 'Outback' herbs, designed for sublingual tincture dosing, & can also be used in VG form, as a VG-Juice.  

Marali herbal remedy may provide relief for Insomnia & Anxiety, act as an analgesic, sedative, anti inflammatory, antidepressant & promote Emotional Balance.

Emotional Balance, is One's ability, in the face of change & challenge, to mentally & physically maintain equilibrium and flexibility.  

Marali may bring relief to those suffering the debilitating effects of Anxiety, often accompanying withdrawal - detox from Opioids, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, nicotine, & other drugs of abuse. 

Tweaking, when the Meth User has come to the end of a meth binge, and the drug is no longer providing the User with the desired rush or high, can be a challenging time, not only for the User, but their families.  The Meth User will feel intense cravings and desperation that can no longer be satisfied. It is at this point that psychotic symptoms may manifest and the User begins to suffer from delusions, hallucinations, and other altered perceptions.  Many will turn to blackmarket sourced pharmaceuticals such as diazepam to cushion the effects. 

In liquid extract form, Marali herbal remedy may have the  efficacy of some of the nicotine, tobacco, smoking cessation products available.

Marali is 100% Natural, Legal, NOT Restricted or Prohibited, & DOES NOT cause drowsiness.

20 ml, 30x Marali @ $99. *plus p & p.   

*p & p = $8. Economy, tracked. $10. Courier, tracked (fastest delivery) Rural Delivery = plus+ $5.50

Available as a 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, 30x strength, Olive Oil based liquid extract, OR a VG - Vegetable Glycerine based liquid extract.

 Marali Olive Oil & VG Liquid Extracts. 

*25 ml Special = Sold Out.
*More on Marali - HERE
We DO NOT use any Synthetic chemicals or any hidden additives.

100% Natural.  100% Homegrown in New Zealand.

SmokeStop Triple Action Herbal Remedy: Cocaine & Methamphetamine Use Disorder, Poly (Multiple) Drug Addiction Disorder, Tobacco & Nicotine Cessation Aid: SmokeStop 30x Liquid Extract Tincture, Oil, VG-Juice.

SmokeStop 30x Liquid Extract: Cocaine & Methamphetamine Use Disorder, SmokeStop Poly (Multiple) Drug Addiction Disorder, SmokeStop Nicotine-tobacco Cessation,– Tincture, Oil, VG-Juice.

SmokeStop may assist those addicted to: *psycho stimulants: Cocaine, Methamphetamine, & Poly (Multiple) Drug Addictions, Nicotine-tobacco, through its Triple Action Activity at the Kappa Opioid ReceptorCB.2 Cannabinoid Receptor & Nicotinic Receptor.

SmokeStop V G Liquid Extract is a totally natural herbal remedy, containing a triple action, Receptor active synergy of our 30x Liquid Extracts of Salvia divinorumCB.2RA Cannabinoid Oil & Marali 30x VG Liquid Extract.

In VG Vegetable Glycerine form, SmokeStop Liquid Extract can be used as an E-Juice for Vaping OR taken as a tincture.

SmokeStop 5 ml 30x Sampler @ $30.  *plus p & p. 

SmokeStop 20 ml 30x @ $119.  *plus p & p.   *20 ml Special – get an extra 5 ml FREE!  (25 ml) Save $30. Limit 1 per Customer. T & Cs apply.

*25 ml Special = Sold Out.

SmokeStop 100 ml 30x @ $499. *plus p & p.  + FREE POST! Economy tracked Save $

Terms & Conditions:

The statements made by NorthlandSalvia have not been evaluated by the New Zealand Ministry of Health. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We are not advising or prescribing herbs, herbal extracts, or herbal supplements,  for any specific medical conditions, or for any specific uses.

Consult your doctor, practitioner, and/or pharmacist for any health problems and before using any herbs, herbal extracts, or herbal supplements, or before making any changes in prescribed medications.

R.18  New Zealand Customers Only:

We request *Proof of Age before we can confirm an order.

*Proof of Age = an emailed, scanned copy or digital photo of your N.Z driver's licence, Passport, or HAANZ 18+ card.

You can black out the Licence/Issuing number if you wish to do so.  We need to be able to verify Full Name, date of birth & photo identity to comply with our legal obligations. 

You will then be a verified NorthlandSalvia Customer.

Under New Zealand Law, ALL of our Herbal Remedies may only be purchased for legal herbal use. 

All our herbs & herbal products are available for purchase on the basis of their efficacy as herbal remedies.

Our herbs may assist those seeking a natural plant based traditional herbal remedy, with potential anti addiction, analgesic, sedative, & anti inflammatory effects.

We advocate responsible use of our herbs.

Individual results in the use of our products may vary, depending on an Individual's tolerance, sensitivity & metabolism.  

By purchasing ANY of our Herbal Remedies, you agree to ALL our terms & conditions.


Returns Policy: 

Due to the potential for adulteration of our herbal remedies, & thereby risk to any of our Customers,  please be aware that we DO NOT accept any returns where our herbal products have been used, partially used, or the products original N.Z Post sealed bag has been opened.

Refunds may be issued for the value of the returned product, & DO NOT include the cost of shipping, or return shipping, as this is a cost we cannot recover.

Meth Quit Cocaine Quit Opioids Quit

Quit Smoking Quit Meth Meth Quit